Friday, June 1, 2012

so long, and thanks for all the love.

Hello all!

Well, I'm in Winnipeg.  For the first time!  Can you believe that I've lived in Regina for seven years and have never been to Winnipeg?

We got in late last night, so I can offer no report on my first impression.  But it's the first stop of the tour and we're excited.  We have new rubber on the tires, and new love in our hearts.

And the love is all thanks to you!  Last weekend you PACKED OUT The Artesian.  I wish we did a head count.  (Actually I don't... someone could have gotten into trouble).  It was incredible.  You made that night very special for us.  Everyone on stage thanks you for turning up and enjoying yourselves.  Especially me.  You made it a lot of fun for all of us.

And I have to ask.  Did you like the decorations?  We did a lot of hunting around (HA! What a pun!) to find them for you.  I've never sung into the mouth of an otter before.  Chalk that one up to experience.  If you have any photos that you want to add, please do so.  You can upload them to my Facebook page.  My best photo of the evening is the one you see above.  Chris looks stunned and Orion is busy as always.  Help us out with some better ones?

One more big thank you for the grand send off.  We'll do you proud on the road.  Elizabeth and I have our first show of the tour tonight at the Times Change(d) with our friends, Sweet Alibi.  It will be a good time!

Also, we're just starting to learn the ways of YouTube, so keep your eyes open for posts from the road.  They'll show up on Facebook and Twitter.  And if we really get things going, I'll even post something right here on ye olde blogg.


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