Friday, August 24, 2012

the trouble with rodents.

Alberta, I ask you: What's the deal with rats?

Panic has been sparked.  Operation Haystack has been launched.  Bales of poison will be left around the province.  And not to mention the release of bull snakes!  (Does this mean there will be a whacking day like on the Simpsons?)  Says the The Canadian Press,

"Operation Haystack is no Mickey Mouse scheme."

Well.  I would have thought Mickey Mouse would be exactly the kind of guy behind this.  Who more would want to see those rats dead? 

I'm not sure what to make of the issue.  Rats are despised here.  We have rats in Saskatchewan.  Should I be concerned about that?

I don't have to understand.  I'm just your neighbour. 
Your dirty, rodent harbouring neighbour.  

Although, there may be an up side to this.  The tainted bales may leach rat poison into your water system.  The increased amounts of Warfarin in your drinking water could actually reduce risk of heart attack in the area.  That would be exciting news, if it was possible.

I thought I felt ashamed about how we have rats in Saskatchewan, until I took to heart the words of Ed Jollymore, the waste manager in Medicine Hat,

"Just because we say we are rat-free doesn't necessarily mean we are."

: )

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