Monday, August 5, 2013

back to the grindstone.

I've heard that the only rule of blogging is to keep the project updated. And that the most important part of being a musician is to keep in touch with your listeners.

With this in mind, I issue my apologies for failing completely. I was just tired. Or maybe a little burnt out from two years of touring.

However, with renewed energy I compose this entry.  It's the first in over four months! In the period of online silence I've taken time to rest up and enjoy myself. If you're interested in knowing what's been occupying me, here's a brief list of some of my favourite activities:

 1. Sleeping.
 2. Starting to train for a 10K mini-marathon.
 3. Running away with Blake Berglund to see the great Fred Eaglesmith.
 4. Napping.
 5. Listening to lots of new music.
 6. Riding my sweet ass cruiser bike around Regina.
 7. Creating a space in my home to write music.
 8. Writing music.
 9. Visiting Zachary Lucky while he recorded his new album, The Ballad of Losing You.
10. Perfecting hermitude.
11. Beginning work with Saskatchewan artist, Robyn Koester, as a mentor for her first album.
12. Reconnecting with loved ones, especially my two year old niece.
13. Camping.
14. Going to bed early.

Before I sign off, I want to give some love to a video that's gone unmentioned on the blog. We shot this with a crew from Victoria in March. The sentiment of the song is based in touring, and specifically the duality of it: wanting to be home, while reveling in the transient freedom of constant motion. Despite the time that has elapsed since we were on tour this winter, I have not forgotten the exhaustion of covering so much ground in three months, and the message of the song still rings true for me.  I'm really happy with how the video turned out. Jeremy and Beth certainly overcame their handicaps of not being able to play their instruments, anyway.  Hope you enjoy.

besos amigos.

Belle Plaine - North End of The Drive from Daniel Pender on Vimeo.

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