Friday, August 9, 2013

the small time

Regina Folk Fest starts today!  Huzzah! I'm back at my old job there, working as a crew member for the main stage events.  That means I move a lot of gear from A to B, and back to A.  It's pretty simple, but the key to the success is accuracy and stamina.

Today I will start the day at 9:30 AM by unloading Feist's semi-truck of gack, and then will be on site until 2 AM when - after a long day of hauling gear - I will reload the afore mentioned semi-truck for Miss Feist.  It's all very glamorous. 

I'm short on time as I've got to scoot off to the festival site, but seeing as I'm into lists these days, here are my Top 10 items for the savvy stage hand:

1. Water - no brainer.
2. Back Stage Pass - makes me feel important.
3. Ear plugs - for the bands that like it loud on stage... even in sound check.
4. Granola bars - emergency eating for the rare occasions when the on-site catering service fails you.
5. Siberian Ginseng - my roomie, Brie, used to give me this when I lived in Victoria and I was pulling double waitressing shifts to save coin for Australia.  They apparently give you energy.  Maybe it's placebo, but I always feel wired when I take a couple pills.
6. Red Bull - for when a placebo is just that.
7. Sunscreen - I'm 1/2 Ukrainian, 1/4 Swedish and 1/4 Norwegian.  This mutt don't tan.
8. Sharpie Marker - smooth change-overs between acts depend on two things: a Sharpie and spike tape. Both are provided by the festival, but I like to have a Sharpie handy all the time.
9. Multi-tool - every girl worth her salt has one.
10. Flask - to celebrate a job well done at 2 AM.

Wish me luck during this cultural marathon and I'll see you on the other side of the weekend.


1 comment:

  1. Only the best work main stage for Feist moving a lot of gear from point A to B and then back to A. It is a lot of work but should be quite the experience. Have fun!
