Thursday, August 29, 2013

double duty

The last few days in Regina have been stinking hot.  I like this kind of weather.  Makes me yearn for Australia.  (Though not quite as intensely as the unrelenting Saskatchewan winter does.)

Lucky for me, I've spent a few of this week's evenings in an underground bunker (as pictured, thanks to Michael Bell's sweet photography skills).  I've been rehearsing for show that takes place tomorrow, August 30th, at The Jam Space in Lemberg, SK.  The manager/janitor of the venue is a fellow Grant MacEwan alumni, and has welcomed a few other bands from the 13th Ave Records family this summer.  (I recommend you check out what the Lonesome Weekends had to say about their experience.)

I'll be doing double duty on Friday, as I'm not only the headliner, but also the opening act... with the superb assistance of Jeremy Sauer on this task.  Jeremy and I have put together a set that includes songs that we haven't played for many years, and stuff that's really new.  I'm looking forward to performing a darkly themed waltz written by our actor/director friend Joey Tremblay.  It's entitled "Nobody Likes A Loser" and includes such lyrical gems as: I can't offer you much, my legs have gangrene.  I may bleed on your shoulder, but I'll treat you like a queen. 

My set with The Lazy MKs will be more of a country-rock affair, with lots of my tunes, including even more brand new stuff we'll debut.  There will also be a healthy dose of old favourites like "Crazy Arms" and "Streets of Bakersfield".  I'll have the delightful Anna Rose joining on me back-up vocals, which is always a treat.  I need some lady-solidarity to keep things running smoothly, and Anna delivers.

So, may the heat wave continue, and may Lemberg be receptive on Friday night.  If you're in the area, you can find the details here.


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