Wednesday, September 4, 2013

a trio of shows

Hi all,

It was a busy Labour Day long weekend for me.  Between a show in Lemberg on Friday with The Lazy MKs, and then driving to Usona, AB with Jeremy and Beth for a gig on Sunday (and then driving back home again on Monday), there wasn't much time to waste.

The sold out crowd in Lemberg at The Jam Space was warm to us musicians.  They laughed at nearly all of my jokes, even if the majority of them were made at Jeremy's expense.  Apparently I'm in the business of cheap shots lately.  You can see our smiling, satisfied faces in the photo above, courtesy of Richard Groulx of The Jam Space.

We had another good night with the group in Usona.  Beth and I played a house concert out there last Labour Day weekend, so I suppose this is becoming an annual thing.  That audience sported a lot more camouflage than I usually see at my concerts, but I took that as a cue to tell an extended version of my first experience deer hunting.  I'm adaptable like that.

Tonight I'll round out the grouping of shows with some friends at the Creative City Centre.  I'm sharing the bill with Jenny Berkel and Robyn Koester.  I had the opportunity to meet Jenny and her sister Kristen this winter.  We did a couple of shows with them in Saskatchewan and then Kristen ended up buying my beloved Bruno Arts Bank with her husband after the ladies did a gig there.  Jenny is the real deal, and I hasten you to check her out tonight.  Or now, in this excellent video.

We'll be joined by a relative newcomer to the Regina scene, Robyn Koester.  I met her about a year ago when I heard her perform and was taken by her clear voice.  I'm excited to see what's developed for her in the last year.

Hope we see you at the CCC tonight.  Here are the details!

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