Saturday, February 28, 2015

hello from below

Hello from Australia!

Having arrived in Oz straight from a prairie winter, I'm quite certain that I'm literally the fairest in the land.  I've found a new look, and it's defined by a massive sunhat, sunglasses and copious amounts of 60 SPF.  I may actually shoot light back at the sun.

After flight delays, lost baggage, and a box of electrolyte sachets, I'm finding my groove on the other side of the world.  I've managed to squeeze a lot of critical activities into my first five days here including:
    - the smelling of the frangipanis
    - multiple ocean swims
    - a schooner of VB
    - crushing and smelling eucalyptus leaves
    - a meal of kangaroo, cooked on the barbie
    - group crosswords (possibly an activity specific to my friend group)
    - vegemite and toast
    - supping, aka stand-up paddle boarding (I couldn't figure out why my friends kept asking if I was going to sup with them.  Why would I eat alone?)
    - consumption of mangos and passionfruit.  What we get in Canada does not hold a candle.
    - enjoying a Golden Gaytime.  Aside from the frangipanis, this may be the thing I looked forward to most.

Despite the fact that I lived here, and was fluent in the fantastic local slang, I'm back to my old ways of asking the meanings of words, for people to keep repeating what they've said, and still being lost even after an explanation.  So it goes.

And as it turns out, I really do like long walks on the beach.


The first of many Australian Gaytimes.

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