Dropping a needle on a record warms me right up. Vinyl and magnetic tape are like living things. Affected by nature.
Destroyed by the elements.
I took great delight in teaching my niece how to fire up the turntable when she was barely three. We played Paul Simon's Graceland. Now she's a leading expert at four years old in the art of vinyl care.
A few days ago I got a package delivered to my door that brought a small dream of mine into fruition. After breaking through a few layers of protective cardboard, I found four 45s containing the tracks that Blake and recorded with Jason Plumb this past summer. Blake and I convened for a first listen and got to hear our voices replicated through the magic of vinyl grooves, stylus and speakers. I've never experienced the like. It's so exhilarating to hear your music surrounded by the warmth of analog.
The test presses that I was sent passed the test. Somewhere in America, an order has been placed for 300 little beauties to be manufactured. I can't wait to share them with you. You'll have to be patient though. Vinyl will not be hurried.
I should also mention that I'm writing you this little post from the comfort of an airport bar. In 23 hours (metal creatures of the sky willing) I will touch down in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia and resume my activities, with a healthy dose of daily vitamin D.
xo and g'day.
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