Wednesday, February 22, 2012

headed to the Legion Hall

I love going to the Legion Hall. Any Legion Hall.
I don't know what it is about it.

Could be the memories of Brownie meetings.  Or the wood paneling.  Or the photos of the era that decorate the walls.

Whatever it is, it's got a hold on me.

I rang in 2011 at the Legion Hall in Wynyard, SK with a group of friends.  When we arrived we heard someone exclaim "The young people are here!"  The Wishart Boys were the band for the night.  The first song they played when we walked in was Blue Eyes Crying In The Rain.  At the stroke of twelve there was a balloon drop.  Moments later all the lights came on.  We thought it was over and were filled with disappointment.  But what fools we were!  We had forgotten about the small town tradition of the midnight lunch.  The ladies brought out the coffee urns.  Homemade buns, sandwich meat, orange cheese and dill pickles covered tables that were quickly arranged.  There were squares for dessert.  And after we were all fed, the dancing continued.  We did The Butterfly and the Schottische.  My friend Shayna won the raffle - a 26 oz bottle of white rum.

It was the best.

The band is going out to Wynyard again on Friday to play at the Legion.  7:30 pm doors, 8 pm show.  Don't miss it.

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