Monday, December 31, 2012

song of the year

It's time to observe my annual New Year's tradition.  Starting at 12 AM tonight, I'll have my ears perked, waiting to hear the first Beatles song of 2013.  

The inspiration behind this tradition is a bit silly.  You can read about it in a previous blog post from last year.

A history of recent years for you:
January 1st, 2008
Drive My Car
In 2007 I started voicing my wish that it would be great to take a year off from the Fab Four.  Given that it's a nearly impossible task, I compromised by tracking how long it took to hear one of their songs.  I was hoping it would at least be a few days, and if I was able to make it over a week I would have been truly delighted. My dear friend, band mate and roommate at the time, Jeremy Sauer, put on Rubber Soul when we were having our morning coffee.  I was not impressed.

January 1st, 2009 - Approx 12:08 AM
Helter Skelter
In the second year of the tradition I spent New Year's Eve at a house party.  Everyone was encouraged to take on DJ shifts by bringing three songs for the party-goers to dance to.  The host's iPod played two seconds of this song as he was searching for his tunes.  Disappointment again.

January 4th, 2010
She Came In Through the Bathroom Window (as covered by Joe Cocker)
I have no idea what the significance of this song could be, but I was in a coffee shop when I heard it, and I actually felt pleased.  (By this time I had also let go of the idea that we should take a year's break from The Beatles.) I quite like this song, despite the fact that Paul wrote it after a crazed lady-fan broke into his place to meet/stalk him.

January 5th, 2011
You Never Give Me Your Money
I heard this at Yorkton's 5th Ave Cup and Saucer late at night after a performance.  It seemed like a bad omen for the coming year given that I was only six months into being a full-time musician.  However, that night I dreamt of bunnies, and my tour partner, Jeans Boots, assured me that bunny dreams were a sure sign of prosperity for the coming year.

January 6th, 2012
Come Together
I was at a birthday party, and the lovely Jayden Pfeifer was telling Jeremy and I a story about his family's competitive games of Rock Band.  To illustrate his point he imitated his sister robotically singing "Come Together".  Jeremy immediately looked at me with raised eyebrows and said, "Is that the first one?"  It was, and this continues to be my most favourite incident.

So I'd love to know what your first Beatles song is of the year.  Perhaps you enjoy over-analyzing insignificant events just like me?

1 comment:

  1. The Beatles fast is broken. Free As A Bird sounded on CBC Radio 2's Drive program today. I like it.
