Monday, February 18, 2013

search party

Hello from Toronto!

We are in the Big Smoke now.  We've been warming up to the city for the past week.  The train ride here on VIA Rail was a barrel of fun - Jeremy even played Roll Out the Barrel on the accordion in celebration of the good times we had.  You can see some photos of the ride here.

We've been busy doing gigs, and I've included a video where you can watch us in action from last night's concert.  It was a great show in an artist studio space just off Bloor St.  We recorded our performance of Notes from a Waitress in honour of our entry into the CBC Searchlight contest that's going on. You see, I wanted to enter Notes as our submission being that I'm particularly proud of the lyrics, but I sing a curse word in it... and surely I would have the dumb luck of being disqualified because I say "son of a bitch".  So I reviewed the situation and submitted Waikiki instead.

You should watch the video!  You should also vote for me (please, please, pretty please) because it would be freaking awesome to get to the next level of the contest.  It's one of those things where you vote every day... I know.  What a commitment, right?  Even I find it hard.  Make it your home page for the next week, or something? That's what I'm doing.

You can check out the list of submissions that are from Saskatchewan alone, and make your pick, but if you're reading this, just save time by searching for Belle Plaine on the page and hit vote.  Then do it again tomorrow and repeat until February 24th, when the first round ends.

I will be a worthy Saskatchewan ambassador, I assure you.

love from Hogtown.

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