Tuesday, December 10, 2013

the next contestant.

And then I thought to myself, "Wait...
 "Could we go to The Price is Right?"

Allow me to explain: 

It's -21°C outside in Regina today. -36°C with the wind chill.  But I don't care.  Nope.  Know why?  It's because today, I'm going to California with Jeremy and Beth.  Band trip!  The very generous SaskMusic is taking us down to Los Angeles on a marketing initiative that will introduce us to some good people working in film and television music placement.  (Hey guys, they believe in me!!!)

I'm going to do them proud.  Sing all my songs and shake all the hands and sleep when I get home.

There's a lot of boring stuff that you have to do when you're going over a border with your band to work for the first time: join the musician's union, get approval letters written up, pray that they'll give you that work visa... I'm still half terrified they won't let us in today.  Despite all that, I spent most of the morning dancing to Fleetwood Mac's "Rumors" because it felt somehow appropriate.

I'm stoked.

And tomorrow we've got tickets to The Price is Right.  I can't even take it.  All my dreams are coming true at once.  If some amazing work opportunity suddenly comes up I'll have to bump the Price is Right, but if not... I'll totally bid $1.

Thank you SaskMusic.
Thank you Creative Saskatchewan.
Thank you Government of Saskatchewan.
Thank you anonymous jury who thought I was ready for this. 

We're totally ready for this. 


p.s. pictures to come!

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