Monday, January 20, 2014

cold comfort

Ugh.  I remember when I took that self portrait.  I was at a cabin that the lovely Trevor Herriot offered to me as a writing retreat.  I was young.  Healthy.  Capable of not issuing a cough every two minutes that pointed unmistakably to a case of acute bronchitis.

Those were the days, back in November 2013.

Yup.  I've been sick.  Anyone got some great ideas on how to shake this Demon Cold?  I'm gonna sleep as much as I can this week, drink my fluids, and keep it as low key as possible.  You see, I just updated the Shows page, and if seeing a bunch of gigs stretched out ahead of me doesn't scare the sick away, nuthin' will.

What I'm working on hardest now is preparing for twin shows on February 14th and 15th.  I'm putting together an eight piece band!  On the 14th we'll play in Regina, and on the 15th we'll all head westward to Swift Current.  This is the most complicated Belle Plaine show thus far, and there's still some announcements about it to come.  (I'm trying to get you jacked by cleverly withholding information in an effort to build anticipation.  If I do that, will you buy advance tickets when they go on sale?)

So!  Mark your calendars and bring a date to see this really big show!

OK guys.  I should lie down under a humidifier again.


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