Monday, November 24, 2014

professional help

Applying the final coat of glaze...
hi friends,

I got started on the artwork for our live album last week.  I had a whole team of talented ladies whose primary goal was to make me look good.  Which is awesome.  Let's just admit that right off the hop.

The whole process started when I fell in love with artist & superb human, Monique Blom.  I'm often surprised by the truth she teases out of me in our easy conversation.  She's a force, and you should just get on board with her art.  Basically, I met her and then selfishly devised a reason to collaborate.

But then I wanted to work with photographer Carey Shaw too.  Her portraits make me ache with nostalgia for things I've never experienced.  As Monique said, "You take pictures of my childhood memories."

And then there's my old pal and collaborator, Avril Biggin.  We've grown up as freelance artists over the last three years, and frankly, I can't imagine working without her.  Together we created the artwork for both Hello from Belle Plaine and Notes From A Waitress.

So... I just figured I'd throw them all together and see what happened.  I have no idea what it's going to look like, but I'm sure it'll be real good.

Also, I have to say a huge thanks for the expert skills of April McDougald, and Danni Knox for applying the powders, creams, sprays and various elixirs to tranform me from Farm Girl to Super Fancy Lady.

As a group, these ladies made what is usually a sweaty, uncomfortable experience into something that was creative, collaborative and made my face hurt from laughing.

And since you've read this far, I'll reward you with a little sneak peak of what we made.  I think it's really exciting.

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